Yellow maintains its status as an underlying hue for many colors and yellow accessories will complement a variety of fashions in 2008. This includes yellow gold, as well as, yellow gems and diamonds.
Blue will be a major fashion focus in 2008 for two primary reasons. The first reason is the U.S. Presidential elections. Blue represents trust, loyalty and confidence – as consumers make decisions that affect the future of our country – they will seek colors that make them feel secure. Secondly, blue also represents water and sky. With consumers desiring ecologically responsible products, blue —in all its variations—is a color that reflects our desire for a fresh, clean environment.
Orange continues to add zest to the fashions of the coming year. From peachy-pinks to rust to vivid orange, the fashions of 2008 include a vast array of orange hued merchandise.
While red has maintained a relatively static position in terms of popularity, expect red to rise in desirability in 2008. A primary reason for red’s popularity is the location of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Red is commonly associated with China, the location of the Games. This places red top of mind for consumers. The desire for reds, which includes colors such as chili pepper red, cranberry and burgundy, will continue over the next few years.
The October 2006 Color Association newsletter reported that the military was shifting from a khaki-based fatigue to a gray-based camouflage in order to blend in better with the urban landscape. This shift influenced a variety of merchandise and drew the attention of designers to shades of gray. In 2008, we will see gray as an influencing factor in fashion. Many of the colors forecasted to be desirable in the coming year and beyond are touched with black. Therefore, the importance of black metals and black gems gain favor. When combined with blacktouched fashions, these precious elements create an achromatic feel for fashion-conscious consumers.
Be on the lookout for 80’s inspired neon greens, oranges and yellows. In 2008, these vivacious colors will accentuate fashions serving to draw attention without overpowering the wearer.